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Coaching for creativity



A. develop the creativity of your team;
B. understand the very basics of coaching;
C. develop your own coaching competence;
D. develop your creativity competence by acting up as creativity coach to others.

Before reading this unit, you might consider to go through two other lessons: Raising awareness for creativity, respectively Enhancing creativity, where you can learn about developing your creativity skills.

Then now is the time to share your knowledge on creativity and at the same time further develop your creativity skills. How can you help others to improve their Creativity Skills? By coaching for creativity.
Time needed to review this content: 20 MIN
This lesson is all about coaching other member of your team or company to develop their creativity skills. The purpose of creativity coaching is to help teams cultivate creativity and sustain innovation.

The job of a coach is to help people become better at whatever it is they do. Coaching for creativity help business owners and employees to improve their work and become stronger through creative exercises. 

If you and your team feel like you're stuck, and aren't sure how to move forward, initiate the following activity in order to gain new perspectives.
Coaching in organisations is on the increase. More and more companies and organisations in Europe have coaching methods in place for their employees.
Most people are far more creative than they give themselves credit for. If people are given the time and opportunity to express themselves, the ideas and insights they put forward are truly eye-opening, especially if it’s a topic they’re passionate about.
Creative thinking is taking ideas and information and expanding them, exploding them and enhancing them.
By acting up as a creativity coach, you:

• push your colleagues toward new perspectives
• help them connect the dots
• show the value of taking a break from regular activities
• put your colleagues in touch with their creative side
• urge them to cross boundaries.

There are several creativity activities that can be used to coach your team in their creative thinking.

Brainwriting 6-3-5

BrainWriting is a technique similar to Brainstorming. There are many varieties, but the general process is that all ideas are recorded by the individual who thought of them. They are then passed on to the next person who uses them as a trigger for their own ideas.

Brain Writing is all about getting a group of people together and have them write their ideas on their own sheet of paper. After several minutes, the sheets rotate to different people and build off what the others wrote on their paper. This continues until everyone has written on everyone else’s sheet.

The name Brainwriting 6-3-5 comes from the process of having 6 people write 3 ideas in 5 minutes. Each person has a blank 6-3-5 worksheet (below).

Problem Statement: How to...
Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3

Everyone writes the problem statement at the top of their worksheet (word for word from an agreed problem definition). They then write 3 ideas on the top row of the worksheet in 5 minutes in a complete and concise sentence (6-10 words). At the end of 5 minutes (or when everyone has finished writing) pass the worksheet to the person on your right. You then add three more ideas. The process continues until the worksheet is completed.
There will now be a total of 108 ideas on the 6 worksheets. These can now be assessed.
This video explains, without words, what coaching is. A four-minute animated movie that shows how the coaching process works. 

Besides brainwriting there are many more possibilities to coach your colleagues to become more creative. This video shows six creative ways to overcome hitting a roadblock when generating ideas (3:35 min).


These 10 tips for effective coaching will help you coach your colleagues on the topic of creativity:
1. Ensure you fully understand what coaching is
2. Check your perspective on people
3. Learn and practice an Effective Coaching Model
4. Engage your Boss
5. Understand and value personality differences
6. Prioritize your time - Stay focused
7. Stop putting out fires
8. Seek regular feedback
9. Listen, listen, listen
10. Keep growing and developing


The job of a coach is to help people become better at whatever it is they do. Coaching for creativity helps business owners and employees improve their work and become stronger through creative exercises.
There are several methods to coach the team in creative thinking. One of them is the Brainwriting 6-3-5 method. The name Brainwriting 6-3-5 comes from the process of having 6 people write 3 ideas in 5 minutes.
Amongst others, a good coach ensures he/she fully understands what coaching is, checks his/her perspective on people and is a very good listener.


Organise a brainwriting activity with your team.
Afterwards evaluate: What went well? What didn’t go as you expected? Were the ideas that arose what you expected?
Present the outcomes of the brainwriting session to the management/owner of your company and make suggestions for change.

Multiple choice questions:

1. By acting up as a creativity coach, you (multiple answers are possible):
A) push your colleagues toward new perspectives
B) show the value of taking a break from regular activities
C) urge them to cross boundaries

2. The name Brainwriting 6-3-5 comes from the process of having 6 people write 3 ideas in 5 minutes.
A) True
B) False

9 ways a creativity coach can help your business
10 tips for effective coaching


• Communication
• Teamwork
• Leadership

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