A. gain knowledge about the beenfits of self-training and learning using the different resources ONLINEE
B. choose the best online platforms and courses to be better trained and improve your skills on any subject
C. take the maximum advantage of the SKILLS+ learning content
Time needed to review this content: 30 MIN
E-Learning has become a real challenge to the traditional learning systems. There are plenty of different ONLINE platforms, courses and resources in the INTERNET to learn different matters. Most answers are easy to find in the internet and it is also easy to get an ONLINE course on almost any matter. However, choosing the best information to get trained is not always easy since the info is really vast.
There are many alternatives and tendencies in the self-training or learning field. Combining working and learning is possible but needs a high level of organization and responsibility.
This pill consist of a series of tips on getting the best out of self-training and ONLINE learning.
As in the “real life”, in the virtual world there are many different ways to get a training course but the common sense has to be leading the individual to choose the best one. Each individual has his/her preferences and his/her way of learning, and there are plenty of good resources to get the best results.
1. The first question to think about is: Is this ONLINE resource convenient for me? The answer arises sometimes at the certain stage of the process; in other words: one should start a learning process and at a certain point they can feel that the way of getting the knowledge is not convenient. If it is the case, is better to start a new ONLINE method or platform instead of loosing time understanding the way the contents of the learning is being transmitted.
2. It is crucial to test the tool before starting an online course. If the tool is not easy for you to use, it is better to find another one. Otherwise, you will loose your time getting used to the tool instead of getting the knowledge.3. It is also very important to ensure you will have contact with HUMAN trainers/teachers. ONLINE learning does not mean you will learn alone with no external human help from the teachers or trainers. In general, for each area of knowledge there are many resources but there are also platforms and resources offered by universities and other entities with reputation and large experience in learning.
4. Creating a schedule is crucial when you are involved in an ONLINE learning process. It is really relevant to have the time schedule to learn and to self-test yourself in your own progress. Organize your calendar each week to take into consideration each and every activity related to your learning process
5. Preparing your workspace is also important. Learning ONLINE doesn’t necessary mean to be anywhere anytime without the appropriate workspace to feel convenient and with an ergonomic environment, free of any interference or anything that can cause distraction. Learning in the tradicional way or ONLINE, requires a set of good conditions that allows the best level of comfort.
Learning ONLINE is a new powerful way of getting knowledge because you have the possibility of getting many resources and information in the digital world. But it requires a high level of responsibility from the student and consideration of many factors that may affect the correct use of learning resources.
There are many entities such as universities that combine the traditional way of learning (a teacher in a room with students) and the ONLINE methods, requesting that the students use their e-learning resources. In these platforms, there are human teachers/lecturers, training at concrete time of the day via video conferences; students can attend the class from their own homes, even using the so-called “e blackboard” interactively to get extra information from the teacher as well as to ask questions or make comments in real time. In these platforms one can also repeat the recorded lessons or sessions and there are even slots of time everyday to meet your teacher, coach or mentor to have a face to face video conference to ask your questions and get feedback.
Motivation is also crucial in the self-learning process. It is related to the other points we have highlighted in this lesson.
A good organization of your time, an efficient schedule, a convenient environment, and, the most important, the will to learn according to your needs, are components that will take you to the total success.
Consider that learning online requires your active participation. Often there are no tests or exams but your behaviour and your reactions are the continuous evaluation for your learning.
Learning and working are compatible since the ONLINE learning is flexible. Once again, if you can organize your time according to your activities, you will improve yourself in terms of learning an knowledge.
This video by the University of Houston summarizes habits of successful online learners. The topics addressed are: misconceptions and expectations of online learning and tips to be successful (4:36 min):
Five tips for successful on online learning by Facultatem Centrum.
This video shows 5 well explained tips for self training (6:51 min)
• Be organized.
• Set up a good an convenient schedule for the online learning.
• Get the best, free of interferences environment for your activities.
• Get in touch with the (other) learners.
Aim to get the best resources or platforms for your e-learning purposes;
Test the contents of the courses and check wether they fit with your learning needs;
Choose the best environment for your convenience;
Organize your time schedule to get the advantages of the e-learning system.
What are the things to consider if I want to choose an online course or platform for my knowledge needs?
Why is motivation in self-learning so important?
Did I understand the importance of my own responsibility for my ONLINE training success?
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